Run&See Creative is a combination of two of my great loves: images & words.

Through photography, I see the world through F-stops & shutter speeds, glimpses of reality frozen forever in time. I love natural light & natural smiles. Happiness feeds happiness; I take happy pictures.

I especially love photographing families, kids, weddings & events, though product & food photography has the benefit of the subject not talking back or moving...

Editing appeases the OCD in me. Red lines & deadlines, order in the chaos. It is also a very handy way to make a living by reading. Did I mention I love words?

About me:

I don't take life too seriously.

I'm wife & a mum of two gorgeous little munchkins. They make life interesting.

I have the weirdest accent you've ever heard.

I drink a lot of coffee; incidentally I fit a lot into my days. There may be a connection there.

I love good food, fine wine & spend way too much time on Pinterest.

People who write like they text make my brain hurt. But I do love ellipses...

I love that I get to do what I love every day.

Based in Northern NSW (Kyogle) with clients globally.